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The Merchant Grain Beetle is a common pantry pest in Sevierville, TN, and surrounding areas. To read about other creatures inclined to invade your cupboards, read our article: Common Pantry Pests in Sevierville, TN – Awareness and Prevention Tips.


Merchant Grain Beetle

Merchant Grain Beetle, Common Pantry Pest in Sevierville, TN

Scientific Name: Oryzaephilus mercator

Approximate Size:
2 to 3 millimeters in length

Merchant Grain Beetle, Common Pantry Pest in Sevierville, TN

Color:  Typically brown to Reddish Brown

Number of Legs:  6

Antennae:  Yes, distinctly club-shaped with three segments

Wings: Yes, but they are not strong fliers; they fly short distances

Lifespan: Can range from a few weeks to several months

Merchant Grain Beetle

Merchant Grain Beetle, Common Pantry Pest in Sevierville, TN

Scientific Name: Oryzaephilus mercator

Approximate Size:
2 to 3 millimeters in length

Merchant Grain Beetle, Common Pantry Pest in Sevierville, TN

Color:  Typically brown to Reddish Brown

Number of Legs:  6

Antennae:  Yes, distinctly club-shaped with three segments

Wings: Yes, but they are not strong fliers; they fly short distances

Lifespan: Can range from a few weeks to several months


The life cycle of a Merchant Grain Beetle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Females lay eggs in stored food products, and the larvae feed on the items.

Behavior and Habits

  1. Feeding Habits:

    • Diet: Merchant grain beetles primarily feed on stored grains, cereals, and processed food products. They have a particular affinity for items like flour, pasta, and rice.
    • Feeding Method: Adult beetles feed on the outer layers of grains, while larvae bore into the grains, causing damage.

  2. Preferred Environments:

    • Temperature and Humidity: Merchant grain beetles thrive in warm and humid conditions, making stored food facilities, warehouses, and pantries ideal habitats.
    • Storage Areas: They often infest stored grains and cereal products, taking refuge in cracks, crevices, and packaging.

  3. Nocturnal Activity:

    • Merchant grain beetles are typically more active during the night, foraging for food and exploring their surroundings.

  4. Reproduction:

    • Egg Laying: Female beetles lay eggs in stored food products, and the larvae develop within the grains.
    • Life Cycle: The life cycle includes egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages, and it may take several weeks to complete depending on environmental conditions.

  5. Attraction to Light:

    • Merchant grain beetles are attracted to light, and their presence may be noticeable near light sources during their nocturnal activities.

  6. Flight Capability:

    • While merchant grain beetles have wings, they are not strong fliers and typically rely on crawling to move from one location to another.

  7. Survival Adaptations:

    • Merchant grain beetles can withstand moderate cold temperatures and may survive in cooler climates, although they thrive in warmer conditions.


Article author: John Jackman, Bradleigh S. Vinson. (ND) Grain Beetles.

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